Students are placed in roles where they apply the skills they are learning in school — in places where they can make a Kingdom impact. We tune each placement to suit the interests and capabilities of the student.
Fall/ Spring |
Summer |
student highlight
Russell is a Management Information Systems (MIS) major with a minor in Finance. This track in itself secures a wealth of opportunity for Russell. But like many of our applicants, Russell wasn’t just searching for the answer to the question "what do you want to do when you grow up"; he was asking the question, “where does God want me”? And he was looking for the opportunity to have an experience that would help him discern his direction. We are passionate about giving our interns the tools they need to hear God's voice the loudest, particularly when it comes to making career decisions. Russell was faithful, obedient, and diligent in his work and faith. His summer internship led to an invitation to join the Mission of Hope team.
"Career is one of the most, if not the most daunting thing any college student faces. God used ServeHere to squash all my fears and doubts away. This summer, I’ve learned the joy and importance of obedience. Despite all my fears and running away, there is no where too far for God to find me and pick me back up. God took my fear of the future in a non-profit and showed me that he not only had a path forged already, but knew what was best for me. My obedience to step into ServeHere and challenge myself to explore my calling to a nonprofit, only showed me more and more of God’s passionate heart for his kingdom.
Over the course of this summer as a Project Management Intern at Mission of Hope, I was reminded of Philippians 4:7 where it states that there is “the peace of God, that surpasses all understanding”. Looking back, I find it ironic that I remembered and thought I knew the peace of God who had shown me the way all along, when in the verse it states that his peace is beyond understanding. ServeHere showed me that God’s peace is simply that big. There is nothing that surpasses it and nothing that understands it. God’s peace is a promise. God’s peace is ‘just’ there. God affirmed my calling to nonprofits in the future and for the billionth time, picked me back up and hugged me."
Investing & Equipping
This part of ServeHere is the most transformative. We have 10 weeks and the rapt attention of our students during that time. It’s our mission to steward this opportunity and pour into our students at such a pivotal time in their lives. In short, our 10 week program is centered on exposure. We ensure that our interns have been exposed to people groups to serve, Christian leaders, successful business professionals, wise counsel, scripture, and community.
Each student participates in a program designed to push the students to grow spiritually and on-the-job. The ServeHere curriculum is centered around 3 questions: What does it mean to love God? Why do I use my gifts to serve others? And how can I discern my life’s direction? Under the umbrella of these questions, we also dive into supported scripture, group discussion with fellow interns, guest speakers who speak to living a life of obedience to God first, and weekly meetings where students explore the questions on a personal level with a trusted mentor.
Each student participates in a program designed to push the students to grow spiritually and on-the-job. The ServeHere curriculum is centered around 3 questions: What does it mean to love God? Why do I use my gifts to serve others? And how can I discern my life’s direction? Under the umbrella of these questions, we also dive into supported scripture, group discussion with fellow interns, guest speakers who speak to living a life of obedience to God first, and weekly meetings where students explore the questions on a personal level with a trusted mentor.
Loving God
Prayer & worship Mission & Community Scripture |
Serving Others & Using Your Gifts
Vision of your life Working for God Action & Gifting |
Discerning Direction
Radical Obedience Identifying Barriers / Roadblocks Dreaming & Setting Goals (and holding it all loosely) Running your race: free, unleashed, equipped! |
Our prayer is that when students leave the program, they are:
- Equipped to be on mission in their workplace, homes, and neighborhoods
- Grounded in a foundation of Christ and do not place their identity in work or works but serve God out of an overflow of his love for them
- Confident in trusting God to reveal the path he’s set before them
We have an incredible team of mentors who walk alongside us and our students! Each mentor uses ServeHere's curriculum as a tool to develop and guide a deep relationship with their mentee. Mentorship has consistently been a God-breathed time for our students.
My summer interning with ServeHere was the most fruitful summer of my life. Through the leadership of older believers, the community of other interns, the wisdom of guest speakers, and my internship, I have learned and grown in ways that have exceeded anything I could’ve expected.
Through ServeHere and Mission of Hope, I have felt the depth and power that relationships centered on Christ can hold. From the sacrificial love, guidance, and support of my mentor, to learning from and building friendships with other interns and coworkers, I have experienced the life-giving unity of the body of Christ. What I learned this summer will impact me for life, and I’m so grateful that ServeHere is part of my story!
- Ali Yoder
In ServeHere, you will be mentored and grown into a person who cares for and acts for underserved people groups who are often overlooked or forgotten. It is a chance to grow immeasurably in your faith in a way that is uncomfortable and unique.
- Lizzey Hill
Doing ServeHere is one of my favorite things I have done in college. To be in this program and to get to work hands on in the non-profit world, and gain such unique experience by working and learning to do things I have never done before while also intertwining my faith, seems too good to be true.
- Catherine Rogers
Through ServeHere I had the unique opportunity to experience community through our intentional time set aside every week with all of the interns to pour into the Word and hear from community leaders who have allowed God to guide their careers. I experienced a deep relationship with a mentor who was there to guide me through the ups and downs that are inevitable in any job. Overall, it was a remarkable experience in which I gained invaluable friendships, professional experience, mentorship, and a deeper relationship with Jesus.
- Mallory Bush
Any student who is thinking of their career, finding it difficult to overlap the corporate world and God’s mission, is highly encouraged to check ServeHere out!
- Russell Wong
He had ordained every single thing that has happened this summer, from ServeHere to Makarios to my mentor, to the people I was surrounded with in this new city. He was there in the middle orchestrating it all. That gets me really pumped to follow Him forever and know that whatever I may be doing, He is going to be right there.
- Lauren Hancock
After doing a fair amount of hands-on, field work in missions-oriented non-profits, I was eager to see the administrative side of the organization — the side that my degree is more likely to equip me for. The experience I had at Mission of Hope -- the work itself as well as the people -- will serve as a valuable comparison as I intern in a corporate setting during this next season of my life.
I’ve been encouraged to be active instead of passive, live into the freedom and the responsibility that God gives me, and listen for the Spirit’s direction as I move forward and make life decisions.
- Kate Kaiser
My faith has strengthened because I had to let go of my idea of a perfect plan and trust in the Lord. I ended up interning somewhere I wasn’t expecting, and it was so incredible to see how God’s plan plays out. His plan is so much better than mine will ever be, and I had to opportunity to clearly experience that. My faith was also challenged by learning to be bold through my mentor. I learned that the Lord is always standing by me, and I do not need to compete my journey to a cookie cutter life.
- Mariana Jordan